Tuesday, December 21, 2010


it catches up, scares me to death
that you're not there
and it seems like i've burned every bridge from here to delaware
and i'm sleeping alone and i'm dreaming about october
when he leaves me alone on the stairs
and i don't care

sitting real still, its a choice or its a hunt
and you're kissing me like you can anytime you want
and i hide..
and i make myself out to be special but i'm not

i'm swimming slow, you're up ahead
you forget me
and i think about 20 different ways to say i'm sorry
and i fabricate a half, something to fall into my lap
but that was dumb
i float on my back and i hear nothing

Thursday, December 16, 2010

dear birmingham

according to my horoscope I may be being manipulated but...


Saturday, December 11, 2010

boring saturday

recorded a cover of "the book of love" by the magnetic fields

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Nervous Energies session

filmed by Ryan Russell at Synchromesh Studios in Birmingham, AL. November 27th, 2010.


So those of you who know me know that I love knitting and beer coozies are my forte. (low skill, bad attention span) so I'm selling the ones I make online. I only have one image up as of now but I'm gonna take a few more and track some down of coozies' past. Check it out and order that shit so you can look cool and I can make some $$ and move to NYC.


Hey friends. I started a new solo project. It's called Waxahatchee after the creek where I wrote most of the songs. Ryan took a few photos of me yesterday while we were filming some videos. I'll post one below. I'll be doing a split soon with Chris Clavin and then after that maybe a full-length. Pretty exciting. I'm putting King Everything to rest. I'm proud of the music I made under that moniker but it feels like a distant memory. I was younger and everything was different and if it was a band we would've broken up ages ago. I'll post some music once the split is closer to being released. Until then:

Sunday, November 14, 2010

give up/in

That's it. I'm making a zine. I write too much and have been far too bored lately to not make one. There I said it. Hold me to it, blog.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

drivin' on 9

-be apologetic
-question yourself
-don't date hardcore boys
-don't let yourself get so low
-listen to breeders with allison
-only listen to allison
-live in yr own reality
-don't stop smoking because people judge you but stop before you're 30
-get out of here
-spend more time in chattanooga
-learn how to be alone
-stop rushing everything

wait i shouldn't question myself. i should probably leave my phone off for a few days, though.

Friday, November 12, 2010

goin on turr

February 14th-Washington DC w/ Sourpatch
February 15th-Richmond, VA w/ Sourpatch
February 16th-Baltimore, MD w/ Sourpatch
February 17th-Philadelphia, PA w/ Sourpatch
February 18th-Easthampton, MA w/ Sourpatch
February 19th-Brooklyn, NY w/ Sourpatch
February 20th-Buffalo, NY
February 21st-Columbus, OH
February 22nd-Bloomington, IN
February 23rd-Chicago, IL
February 24th-Louisville, KY
February 25th-Chattanooga, TN
February 26th-New Orleans, LA
February 27th-Tallahassee, FL
February 28th-Tampa, FL
March 1st-Gainesville, FL
March 2nd-Athens, GA

I know its a little far off but I'm so excited.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

There's an icecream truck in my neighborhood in October! It is October right? It's 90 degrees in Alabama today.

I feel overrun with empty ambition. I have all the energy in the world right now and no good ideas. I have developed all these weird superstitions, like I can't write music when it's dark outside. I don't know when my brain decided that.

social suicide

Another Sunday spent writing crybaby music

short breaths, our living death
you take me for a ride
mouth shut, all blood and guts
and social suicide
why don't you go, pretense in tow
we'll be alright
eyes wide, good looks preside
you take me for a ride

we ascend hand in hand
I toss and turn, you understand
we learn to synchronize
tirade provoke and inside jokes
you just go

moonlight pours in tonight
and you are infinite
we squeeze out dark disease
exboyfriend jealousy
and then you take off, your name aloft
I'll be just fine
fairweather friends forever
and I just wait in line

skinned knees, christmas eve
it meant everything
train tracks, we sit back
and watch it atrophy

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I can safely say that I haven't been this artistically euphoric maybe ever in my life. I feel like I just had a creative orgasm. I don't really know what happened but sometime between about 5 pm on Friday and right now I had a complete breakthrough and I feel so good about it.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Oh great

The city that I live in is like increasingly alienating and I'm starting to wonder if maybe resenting where you're from is a cop-out or like the protocol for people who are unhappy or in a liferut (like myself) or whatever. Or maybe there is some astrological explanation. Like maybe some planetary position is the real scapegoat. I've narrowed it down to these 2 things. I typically prosper when things are against me. I feel estranged in the punk scene I came up in. My sister and soulmate and best friend lives far away. Most of the people I feel like I have anything in common with anymore live far away. I have more frustrating creative energy right now than I even know what to do with. I am sort of just sitting here, languishing in a lethargic cesspool of sadness. So either I am on the brink of something big or I am in for a rude awakening. I need a dose of positivity so that I can totally believe that it's the former. I mean, it would make sense right?

Anyways, I'm going on a self-imposed artists' retreat at my parent's lakehouse this weekend. Either I'll stare at the water for 48 hours and let these sad thoughts float around in my head or I'll write and record an entire solo record with a synthesizer, acoustic guitar and tambourine. This time I am hoping its the latter.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

thinking big

I woke up this morning with an immediate inclination to cancel plans I had to go out to a bar tonight. It's the first thing I thought when I woke up. This bizarre impulse triggered a thought about productivity and how speckled the spectrum is, as far as the people I choose to spend time with goes. I have my hyper-productive borderline intimidating friends. I have my lethargic wastoid friends. I have my friends who are inconsistent and my friends who never finish anything. Going to a bar tonight, for me, means that all I'll get out of this potentially valuable yet small amount of time is drunk and depressed. Fun is more fun if there is a tangible or definite outcome. Maybe that means I'm anti-social. I have just been trying to figure out why I spend so much of my time doing things that are, not only NOT benefitting me at all, but also produce no device or positive result.

So I went from there. Time-management is crucial, people. We are only allotted so much time in life so I'm spending every minute of mine productively...or that's the new goal.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New boredom, new notebook since I lost my other one with everything I've written in the last 6 months. It's fine. I think it's at Allison's house. It's finally Fall outside and I have been overwhelmingly underwhelmed lately. I keep starting new projects and I feel like I can't get enough on my plate. It's terrible, someone help.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Allison and my new project has a demo available for download if anyone is interested. There are physical copies of this coming soon as well.

Monday, September 20, 2010

New Music

Allison and I recorded a demo this weekend in Chattanooga. It's for our project Bad Banana and you can listen to 4 of the songs at badbanana.muxtape.com

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Almond milk makes the morning which sets the tone for the whole day. Last night I made gold raisin cookies with pumpkin and saw a band from Israel called TV Buddhas. If you've never heard them you should check them out. They're on a big US tour.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

first order of unproductive business

I have always wanted to do a pop-punk cover of the Softies' "Charms Around Your Wrist" because it's probably the brattiest song ever written. I finally did a version of it tonight that will probably evolve into something Allison and my new band will play eventually. Go download it!


Current life rut is being blamed ten fold on the Mercury retrograde. I don't even care. So I'm a capricorn and we capricorn tend to get depressed when we're dicking around as much as I have been for the last two weeks. (Mercury has been in retrograde for two weeks, mind you) So my current speculation is that my lack of productivity is all due to the current planetary situation. Mercury supposedly rules communication and decision-making and all that stuff, right? So my lack thereof is either because of the retrograde OR not such a bad thing because of the retrograde. I have read that during these things we're supposed to be passive and reflective. It goes against my nature, but I am officially embracing it. That's all.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010



Morale boosters and hangover cures. Bruce Springsteen. Iced Coffee. Being a third wheel. Trashcan fires. Trespassing. Tall cans.

My job blocked facebook today. FASCHISTS.

Here is a poem I wrote for a women in punk compilation P.S. Eliot is going to be on coming out on Paper and Plastick in the near future:

Suitcases of pilsner brewed
Levity, my baring protrudes
We live like paper dolls
Pride and position reinstalled
To run like unyielding machines
Carry out with modest means

Now he jumps forward, I’ll jump back
Arcane worship in pitch black
On 2 sleeping bags, on hardwood floors
You’re overwrought and I am bored
Battered flags hung over blinds
Stars and stripes across state lines

Every basement looks just the same
Everyone asks my first name
Our introverted aptitude
Just ruins everybody’s mood
But I see you across the room
Magnetism in full bloom

So we work on a masterpiece
That the miscreant will never see
But the execution’s a release
And I have all the friends I need
And caffeine and vitamin C
We are a resilient breed

Monday, August 30, 2010

I miss this band.

Kintaro playing at my old house in Avondale.

off libras 4 lyfe

I bought this yesterday for 3 dollars. Starsky and Cox are the Tegan and Sara of astrology. Unapologetically hip. Undeniably entertaining. Guilty pleasure read!

Also here's a Terry Gross interview that was recently shared with me. It's with Matt Richdel who is a technology journalist for the New York Times. It's all about the daily informational overload we face with modern technology and its psychological repercussions/results. Really interesting.


I've been knitting lately like it's my job.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Muffin Recipe I made up

1 1/2 cups of flour
1 1/2 cups of brown sugar
1 tsp. of salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. cinnamon
3/4 cup vanilla soy milk
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 banana, mashed up
1/2 cup raisins

preheat oven to 400.

mix all dry ingredients. separately, mix all the wet ingredients. add wet to dry and mix well. fill muffin cups half way (if you don't have muffin baking cup liner things be sure to add oil or cooking spray so they don't stick)

bake for 20 minutes.

I made these the other day for the pool party and they were pretty killer. No pictures, but I'm sure I'll make them again soon.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

turn the record up

Allison and I started a new band where we control everything and play every instrument. That probably makes us sound like fascists. Autocratic punks. I haven't been this excited about a musical endeavor in a while.

I realize that I've totally neglected this blog. Its in part due to a busy summer full of playing shows and enduring personal crises. It's also because I haven't been working and when I haven't been working, I haven't been properly internetting. Whatever.

We just recorded a new record and during that time I sought personal triumph in all sorts of forms like lemonade Four Loko and channeling Reba McEntire. Transcendent is really the only word to describe it. I can't wait for more people to hear it. It was undoubtedly the best recording experience I've ever had.

Oh yeah:

Monday, May 31, 2010

when lifehands you bent up metal

You hope your car is totaled so you can get a new one? I got into a particularly unlucky car accident today. This is the second time in less than 2 years I've been hit by someone who ran a stop sign.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

for elaine

long overdue trip to the eye doctor

thank god its...

Most of you that know me know that I (usually) really like my job. I work with preschoolers at an independent private school here in Birmingham. It's fun and rewarding and all that junk but today was the last day of school for preschool. For me this means that my life gets a lot less hectic. I'll work at the school's summer camp for like 7 or 8 weeks this summer which is a lot less consuming for me. Much more laid back. Essentially what I'm saying is that summer vacation (kind of) starts today for me. I decided to make a mixtape to celebrate.

1. Dream Come True- Dolly Mixture
2. Flashlight-Fuzzy
3. Zero/Zero/Zero-Henry's Dress
4. Neighborhood Well- Sundials
5. Her Neon Heart- The Soviettes
6. Grandma- RVIVR
7. Out There- Blake Babies
8. Citizen of Venus- Chisel
9. Oh My Fullness- Dead Dog
10. Spin The Bottle- Juliana Hatfield
11. Too Young- Kintaro
12. Goddess Pt. 4- Longstocking
13. Harnessed In Slums- Archers of Loaf

PS: if anyone in Kintaro reads this, I hope you don't mind me posting this song. ALSO WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BREAK UP?!

Friday, May 21, 2010

blue stars

I was driving to work today and an idea for something to submit to the International Girl Gang Underground zine popped in my head. It has something to do with the Soviettes and me at age 16. I'm really excited about it and I'm about halfway finished.

I'm also writing a few reviews for the same zine. It's a really great project. www.girlgangunderground.org

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Today I...

participated in a "dog pile"
made vegan fancy sauce
informally applied for a job I am vastly under-qualified for

and now I'm about to go to some garden party I wasn't invited to with Granger and Jacki if it doesn't rain. Free Good People. And Jacki is making BBQ tempeh sandwiches and we are watching (drumroll) DARIA. Duh.

I know I shouldn't

Reading the B9 board has become sort of like watching the "Miracles" video. Or maybe even just videos of the Gathering of the Juggalos. Something to laugh at. If it's a joke then it's genius. If it's not (and let's face it...it's not) then it's really just plain daunting.

EDIT: OH GOOD a Gits "appreesh" thread. Mia Zapata would hate the B9 board I bet.


Rad Fest

Wilmington, NC. The only place on earth that the venus fly trap is native. I didn't take a lot of pictures and the weekend is a blur but I know I had fun. Jacki took a few of us playing.

whiskey shots at noon

The Slow Death

Rad Festers

Cheap Girls


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

oh my darlin

We got a new kitten today and her name is Clementine. I can't take pictures of her yet really because she moves around too much and I'm too busy knitting her collars and following her around. Soon though. I think she's a Pisces.

Tuesdays are the worst days

I'm not really sure why I thought it was a good idea to drink 5 beers on a Tuesday night but it made me hungover. Maybe it was wearing overalls. They kind of make me feel invincible.
Jacki made burritos for Syd's birthday (which is today) and we watched Daria on DVD. 65 episodes and both movies. You may never see me again.

and my favorite band of the last 10 years?

The Thermals. Definitely the Thermals. We played with them a year ago exactly (well it was a year ago yesterday) and it was one of my most favorite experiences in my adult life. What a good band.

Monday, May 17, 2010

the drought

Last night we were driving home from Wilmington and I listened to a demo I made with my friend Carter when I was 17. I was embarrassed by it for a long time I think because it's kind of cavalier or something. I don't know. For some reason it really resonated with me last night. I felt nostalgic and like strangely proud of this little demo that I was embarrassed by for so long. I thought I'd share it. It has some serious overzealous posi moments...and also some serious high school angst. And some weird Dashboard-esque accentuation. But it's something that reminds me of old friends and it's something I think new friends should have.

King Everything- the Drought demo

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I think that totaltrashmusic.wordpress.com is my new favorite blog. Also I have been using Flickr. flickr.com/libranhusband

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

King Everything Demo #2

This is the most recent solo demo I made. I figured I'd put it up here because not many people have a physical copy. So yeah, take it, share it, do whatever you do. It's about a year old now and I've never done anything with it.

kinda shoulda sorta

We practice at Will Granger's house and he lives next door to John Strohm, or so he has been told. Yes. John Strohm. He was in a little band called the Lemonheads and another one called Blake Babies. I wonder if he can hear us. I wonder what he thinks.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Monday, May 3, 2010

Q: What country has the most cowboys?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

on a roll

watch on mute
shitty and tragic
dead letter

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

dead dead dead

take a shower, can it
i've got grief ascending out
like styrofoam sierra
allies on a fated planet
red yarn runs in spades
shamefully across 3 states
i'd take you home forever
rock and dwindle like dead letters
and i am dumb
i sit back speechless
watch this become
lost generation novels
irony and empty bottles

Monday, April 26, 2010

mixtape for kathleen

I decided to make a hypothetical mixtape for Kathleen Hanna as if we were friends. This is what I came up with.

1. Crimson and Clover-Joan Jett and The Blackhearts
2. Lucky Number Nine-Moldy Peaches
3. The Golden Ghost- Cheeky
4. Fightin' Phoenix-Football, Etc.
5. I Love You More- The Softies
6. No!- The Two Funerals
7. Juno- Life Without Buildings
8. Girl Love- Kitty Cat Spy Club
9. Seeing Double- Madeline
10. Clementine- Helium
11. The Big Six- Little Lungs
12. Free Money- Patti Smith

Featuring Joan Jett at her most dreamiest and new lady bands that are killing it and some now-defunct mixtape staple bands. Also, I don't think I could make a mixtape for such a preeminent riot grrrl without including Patti Smith so yeah. You can download it, I hope my friends in some of these bands don't get mad.

personal crisis

My identity on the internet is currently limited to this blog and my personal email account. I feel like living primitive is a good move currently and good moves are sporadic and sparse so. If you find yourself craving my sparkling wit you know where to find it.

I've been thinking a lot about reconstruction. Many times in my life I have let stability go to shit and rebuilding things has become like second nature. So I guess I walk this fine line between keeping it together and blowing the lid off and I guess lately I've become acquainted with that idea. We're friends now. It's exciting but it's not completely disheveled.

Grape Synergy and Queer Salutations are keeping me on track today. I mediated a discussion about gay marriage between my preschool group. It was interesting and completely self-initiated. There was only one kid who opposed it which could easily be a pre-pubescent "girls-rule-boys drool- I-want-to-marry-my-best-friend" thing but I like to think I am working with a fresh batch.

I think I'm going to get this tattooed on me.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


repulsively unpleasant on the inside. stiff on the outside. yesterday Hop Along played here in Birmingham and then slept over and their van's brakes don't work and we went to a Chinese buffet that has macaroni and cheese. the gas in our apartment is getting turned on today so to celebrate I'll probably make some kind of funfetti.

sometimes people show too much of themselves, like they're overzealously barbaric and rude like people are just gonna stay their friend forever no matter how surly they are. I hope that the world doesn't work like that. I hope those people get what's coming. because swallowing irritable instincts is like second nature to most people.

Um we played a show in Somerville, MA on tour and some kid threw some cups at me and the same kid called Shannon's fannypack retarded and then mispronounced like 3 band names to me and then tried to catch a ride with TTF but all that aside Catherine sent me a video of our set and so I thought I'd post it.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Columbus!!! P.S. Eliot has endless love for this city. We always have a good time here. We're really psyched to play with our friends Rag Rage tonight! If you're around come to our show at Legion Of Doom!

1. My Fatal Organ- Tin Armor
2. Behind Curtain #-Discount
3. Jimmy- Henry's Dress
4. My Rollercoaster- Kimya Dawson
5. Our Forts Were Elaborate- Halo Fauna
6. Jorge Regula- Moldy Peaches
7. 100,000 Fireflies- Magnetic Fields
8. Boatwatcher- Cara Beth Satalino
9. Stormy Weather- Reigning Sound
10. I'll Be Good To You- Bitch School


Thursday, March 18, 2010


Today we drive from Cambridge (Somerville) to Philly. I feel like there was a period of time last year when I was in Philadelphia like once a month or something crazy. Something about that city feels very domestic. It's been about 8 months or so since I've been there and I'm really pumped about today. We're playing at the Ava House in South Philly.

1. Here's Your Future- The Thermals
2. To The East- Electrelane
3. Good Houses- Madeline
4. Baby Tooth- TacocaT
5. Remember When- Heathers
6. Rudderless- The Lemonheads
7. Turkey Sandwich- Mika Miko
8. Telephone Wires- Watercolor Paintings
9. After You Left- Mirah
10. New Generation- Suede


Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Today is Cambridge, MA. This summer we played a show there and I ended up asleep in a closet at the Advocate building? Our friend Catherine has been really supportive of our band since what seems like the very beginning. My mix today is partly dedicated to her because I included a lot of bands that I know we both like. Another thing that should be interesting about our show is that it's on St Patrick's Day. If it's anything like last time it should be pretty crazy. Cheers!

1. Fuck and Run- Liz Phair
2. Supreme Nothing- Tiger Trap
3. Never Say Never- That Dog
4. Count To Ten- The Softies
5. By Tomorrow- Black Tambourine
6. Caribou- The Pixies
7. Catch The Spirit- Football, Etc.
8. Lily White Hands- The Gossip
9. I'm Not Even Trying- This Is My Fist!
10. Laments Of A Mattress- Hop Along


Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Today we play in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. I love playing shows in New York. We were just up about a month ago and the show was really awesome. The people I know here have always been endlessly supportive so I think in my mixtape today I'm going to reciprocate in a tiny way. Every band on the list today is either from New York(or very close in NJ) or was from New York or, in one case, is from REALLY far away but I played a show with in New York. You should check all of them out after downloading.

1. Favreau- Kudrow
2. The Big Six- Little Lungs
3. Island Loops- So So Glos
4. The Moment That You Said Yes- The Measure (SA)
5. Hot Tub- Full Of Fancy
6. Bone Valley Deposit- The Besties
7. The Golden Ghost- Cheeky
8. Joset of Nazareth's Blues- Titus Andronicus
9. Slow Signal- The Diamond Sea
10. Three- Each Other's Mothers


Monday, March 15, 2010


Today we're playing in Washington DC at the 3rd St Co-op. I haven't ever played a show in DC so I'm eager to see what it'll be like. Its a very historical city for punk rock and one of my favorite record labels ever was based out of DC. (Simple Machines) I included some local now-defunct bands as well as a Magnetic Fields song that I couldn't leave off for discernible reasons. Enjoy.

1. Waxed- Tsunami
2. Washington D.C.- Magnetic Fields
3. Exorcism- Turboslut
4. Casper The Friendly Ghost- Daniel Johnston
5. What's- The Ecstasy of St. Theresa
6. Everything Is- Neutral Milk Hotel
7. The Black and The Red- One Reason
8. It's The Love- The Breeders
9. Sadder Star- Mineral
10. Eisenhower Is The Father- Best Friends Forever


Sunday, March 14, 2010


Today we're doing a kind of crazy drive to Baltimore. (It's really only crazy because we are playing DC tomorrow. We're doing this because our friend/promoter in DC gets home from tour tomorrow) Never have I ever had a lousy time in Baltimore. The people there are ever-so accommodating and cordial so we are really pumped to go back. Also never have I ever been to Baltimore and not gone swimming. I guess there is a first time for everything. None of these bands are from Baltimore, its just a jumble.

1. Crash- The Primitives
2. Sleeper Hold- Teenage Cool Kids
3. Extracts- Ruby Falls
4. Freewheel- Team Dresch
5. Vanishing Act- Excuse 17
6. Tangled Up- Fleabag
7. Fair Friend- Abe Froman
8. Life Moves- RVIVR
9. Doomed To Be Alone- Used Kids
10. Waiting Room- Slingshot Dakota


Saturday, March 13, 2010


Here marks the first day of tour. We are driving for most of the day to Richmond, VA to meet up with out tourmates The Two Funerals and longtime buddies Hop Along (both of which are included on the mix) I hope you enjoy what you hear. I'm going to try and keep it at 10 songs and include bands currently and formerly from the city I'm in. Obviously it's not limited to that, but you get the picture. Here's mixtape number 1!

1. The Breakfast Song-Hop Along
2. The Jungle-Bitchin'
3. Shallow-Heavenly
4. Magnet's Coil-Sebadoh
5. Psychology Song-Erin Tobey
6. Crashing Rockets-ShellShag
7. A Picnic-Cub
8. Thirteen-Evan Dando
9. If You Tried-The Fastbacks
10. Hit The Ground-The Two Funerals


Friday, March 5, 2010


this marker is clearly not washable. THIS MARKER IS NOT WASHING OFF.

I'm going on tour next week. I decided I would make a mixtape for each day and post it here from the road with a download link.
here are the dates:
MARCH 13TH-RICHMOND, VA @the Dull House
MARCH 14TH-BALTIMORE, MD@the Golden West
MARCH 17TH-CAMBRIDGE, MA@Bill Jefferson's Lair
MARCH 19TH-COLUMBUS, OH@Legion of Doom
MARCH 20TH-LOUISVILLE, KY@the Skull Alley (early show)

Come hang out.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

pictures from our show in Brooklyn

Thanks to everyone for coming to our shows this weekend. It was a lot of fun.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

If the weather permits

Planning on going to New Jersey and New York this weekend for some punk gigs provided the weather doesn't keep us away. We are releasing a new 7 inch. Here is the flyer for our New York show:

5 Ways To Cheer Your Sorry Self Up

1. Draw a comic of all the good things that happened to you in a week-
This is first because it is fresh in my mind. It could have a lot to do with the fact that I work with 4 year olds, so lots of funny shit happens to me all the time. It's creatively stimulating, it's a time-suck, it's a lot of fun. I'll make one this week and post it.

2. Eat something awesome-
Okay so gorging yourself with ice cream when you're sad is both cliche and unhealthy but strawberry ice cream on a sad, dreary, stupid day seems to offer me a lot of relief sometimes. Also, cooking something awesome tasks idle hands and brains and can be another good creative aperture.

3. Listen to "It's A Shame About Ray" or "Destination Failure" really fucking loud-
Smoking Popes were for a long time, my favorite music to listen to when I was feeling down. It's the kind of sad music that makes you hopeful. Like Josh Caterer isn't a self-loathing or depressed guy. He's just had a few bad days. He knows everything is going to work out alright . Lately I've been turning to the Lemonheads. It's sugary and relatable and easy. It's sort of an effortless way to make your mind drift away from whatever is bogging you down.

4. Spend time with your/someone else's pet-
At this point in my life I feel like I go home to see my parent's cat Nico more than I go home to see anything/one else. Not that I don't love them all dearly. Once again, its sweet and easy. A cat isn't going to ask you why you look like you're on the verge of tears or make you feel like a disappointment or question you at all. They're just going to fall asleep on your lap and be adorable and make you feel good.

5. Take a nap-
Sometimes when you're sad or stressed out it's hard to do anything at all, including sleep. I feel like the "tomorrow is another day" mentality is a really constructively optimistic way of thinking. Sleep off the grudge or chip on your shoulder and maybe when you wake up you'll feel a lot better.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I made this for P.S. Eliot's digital single of Bruno Is Orange. Download it on our blog!

Friday, January 29, 2010

45 mercy st

I've been thinking in a really cohesive way recently. Like everything flows together and becomes one. Intertwining. I've been thinking of ways to make things work. Like tips for myself. Like relying on literature and expanding on other people's brilliant ideas rather than my own petty thoughts. Like Anne Sexton. or Sylvia Plath. I don't know.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

inexplicably and debilitatingly bummed out today. i need to go somewhere else but i have no where else to go.


i work on my feet all day
i've got all of your records, ok
this love-drunk summer season makes me feel sane
you're spread out all over manhattan
worn weathered and written in latin
where your head hangs, under awnings, it always rains
i've got, i wear your defaults like a stain
strange, urbane mythology
melancholy crept over me
i can't you, i can't help myself
play house, play domestic strife
8 hours, 2nd floor life
i can't help everyone, i can't help myself
i've got, your closed-mouth trick remains
if you wanna take me
we'll cut off all this mess
if you wanna take me
i would surely go
we work on our feet all day
we've got every record ever written, ok
your midnight prolific monologues make me feel sane
we're separated by ego and denial
but i'll stay here with you for a while
while you overcome me under awnings, it always rains

Saturday, January 16, 2010

the creative process, part I

I'm becoming sort of arrested by the stagnated state of, well, my band, as far as writing for a full band goes. Not at all to say that I personally write for the full band, but writing a skeletal version of a song that a conventional bass-guitar-drums band is going to execute. It's a little frustrating so I think I'm just going to give it a rest for a little while. It's pretty disappointing because I was totally excited to work on a "record". Like, because it was this cohesive and conceptual thing, it made me feel like it was going to need all of my attention. I don't know, I was pretty excited about that.

Spent the majority of this day in bed and now I'm working on some solo songs for a split tape I'm doing with my friend Chris. Maybe it'll get me back in the swing of things.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


March 13th-Richmond, VA
March 14th-Baltimore, MD
March 15th-Washington D.C.
March 16th-Brooklyn, NY
March 17th-Cambridge, MA
March 18th-Philadelphia, PA
March 19th-Columbus, OH
March 20th-Louisville, KY

Spring Break, 2010.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


so maybe i'll try to do this more

to salvage myself from social networking brain-fry. futile attempt. take one. maybe its the seasonal cold symptoms or maybe its the (few but crucial) hours in my job description but my adorable little place of work is kind of consuming me. i mean either that or i'm just looking for an scapegoat. desperately seeking subterfuge. i should stop taking so much cold medicine, i guess i feel like even the pot of coffee i drank today hasn't helped me wake up.

i had an arts and crafts breakthrough today. i just wish i still had a working sewing machine.