Wednesday, April 28, 2010

on a roll

watch on mute
shitty and tragic
dead letter

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

dead dead dead

take a shower, can it
i've got grief ascending out
like styrofoam sierra
allies on a fated planet
red yarn runs in spades
shamefully across 3 states
i'd take you home forever
rock and dwindle like dead letters
and i am dumb
i sit back speechless
watch this become
lost generation novels
irony and empty bottles

Monday, April 26, 2010

mixtape for kathleen

I decided to make a hypothetical mixtape for Kathleen Hanna as if we were friends. This is what I came up with.

1. Crimson and Clover-Joan Jett and The Blackhearts
2. Lucky Number Nine-Moldy Peaches
3. The Golden Ghost- Cheeky
4. Fightin' Phoenix-Football, Etc.
5. I Love You More- The Softies
6. No!- The Two Funerals
7. Juno- Life Without Buildings
8. Girl Love- Kitty Cat Spy Club
9. Seeing Double- Madeline
10. Clementine- Helium
11. The Big Six- Little Lungs
12. Free Money- Patti Smith

Featuring Joan Jett at her most dreamiest and new lady bands that are killing it and some now-defunct mixtape staple bands. Also, I don't think I could make a mixtape for such a preeminent riot grrrl without including Patti Smith so yeah. You can download it, I hope my friends in some of these bands don't get mad.

personal crisis

My identity on the internet is currently limited to this blog and my personal email account. I feel like living primitive is a good move currently and good moves are sporadic and sparse so. If you find yourself craving my sparkling wit you know where to find it.

I've been thinking a lot about reconstruction. Many times in my life I have let stability go to shit and rebuilding things has become like second nature. So I guess I walk this fine line between keeping it together and blowing the lid off and I guess lately I've become acquainted with that idea. We're friends now. It's exciting but it's not completely disheveled.

Grape Synergy and Queer Salutations are keeping me on track today. I mediated a discussion about gay marriage between my preschool group. It was interesting and completely self-initiated. There was only one kid who opposed it which could easily be a pre-pubescent "girls-rule-boys drool- I-want-to-marry-my-best-friend" thing but I like to think I am working with a fresh batch.

I think I'm going to get this tattooed on me.